Colorado Hairstreak Butterfly Forever First Class Postage Stamps


Colorado’s state insect, the **vibrant Colorado hairstreak**, thrives among the majestic oak trees of the Centennial State and the wider Four Corners region, encompassing **Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah**, as well as parts of **eastern Nevada, southern Wyoming, and northern Mexico**. The **Colorado hairstreak caterpillars** emerge in the spring from eggs laid during the preceding autumn. These plump, green larvae adorned with white fuzz nourish themselves on the delicate new leaves of their favored host plant, the **Gambel oak** (Quercus gambelii), also known colloquially as the “scrub oak.” Undergoing a remarkable metamorphosis, the butterfly emerges from its cocoon during the late spring or summer months, taking flight among the branches of the Gambel oak, where it sustains itself by feeding on the tree’s sap and raindrops that have fallen to the ground.

Colorado’s state insect, the **vibrant Colorado hairstreak**, thrives among the majestic oak trees of the Centennial State and the wider Four Corners region, encompassing **Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah**, as well as parts of **eastern Nevada, southern Wyoming, and northern Mexico**. The **Colorado hairstreak caterpillars** emerge in the spring from eggs laid during the preceding autumn. These plump, green larvae adorned with white fuzz nourish themselves on the delicate new leaves of their favored host plant, the **Gambel oak** (Quercus gambelii), also known colloquially as the “scrub oak.” Undergoing a remarkable metamorphosis, the butterfly emerges from its cocoon during the late spring or summer months, taking flight among the branches of the Gambel oak, where it sustains itself by feeding on the tree’s sap and raindrops that have fallen to the ground.

The mature male Colorado hairstreaks actively seek out **receptive females for mating**, engaging in intricate courtship rituals amidst the leafy canopy of their arboreal habitat. Following successful copulation, the female deposits her eggs individually on the host plant, thus perpetuating the timeless cycle of life not far from the environs of their ancestral origins. Remarkably, throughout its entire lifecycle, the **Colorado hairstreak** seldom strays more than a few yards from its birthplace, demonstrating a strong fidelity to its natural habitat and surroundings.

These visually striking **square non-machineable surcharge stamps** have been collaboratively developed in partnership with the greeting card industry, offering a unique and aesthetically pleasing option for embellishing irregular-size envelopes, such as square greeting cards, invitations, or announcements. Each stamp, featured in panes of 20, bears the inscription “**NON-MACHINEABLE SURCHARGE**,” signifying its designated usage for mailing items that do not conform to standard machine processing requirements.

With their vibrant colors and captivating imagery, these stamps not only celebrate the exquisite beauty of the **Colorado hairstreak** but also serve as a poignant reminder of the intricate interconnectedness of nature and the delicate balance that sustains our ecosystem. By showcasing this magnificent species on postage stamps, we pay homage to the resilience and grace of the **Colorado hairstreak** and highlight the importance of preserving its natural habitat for future generations to appreciate and cherish.

In conclusion, the issuance of these **unique square non-machineable surcharge stamps** not only honors the **Colorado hairstreak** as the state insect of Colorado but also underscores the significance of biodiversity conservation and environmental stewardship. As these stamps grace the envelopes of correspondence, they stand as ambassadors of nature’s beauty, inviting us to marvel at the wonders of the natural world and reaffirming our commitment to safeguarding the habitats that sustain life in all its diverse forms.


5 Sheets of 20 (100 Stamps), 15 Sheets of 20 (300 Stamps), 50 Sheets of 20 (1000 Stamps)

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