USPS Frogs Forever First Class Postage Stamps


The northern leopard frog, belonging to the “true frog family” known as Ranidae, is a remarkable amphibian species that has captured the hearts of nature enthusiasts and researchers alike. With its resilience and unique characteristics, this frog has earned its place as the state amphibian of Minnesota and Vermont. In this article, we will explore the fascinating traits of the northern leopard frog and its potential contribution to medical science.

The northern leopard frog, belonging to the “true frog family” known as Ranidae, is a remarkable amphibian species that has captured the hearts of nature enthusiasts and researchers alike. With its resilience and unique characteristics, this frog has earned its place as the state amphibian of Minnesota and Vermont. In this article, we will explore the fascinating traits of the northern leopard frog and its potential contribution to medical science.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

Measuring between 2 to 5 inches long, the northern leopard frog is considered a medium-sized frog. Its vibrant green or brown coloration, adorned with dark spots, provides excellent camouflage in its natural habitat. However, its ability to escape predators goes beyond mere appearance. This agile creature can leap astonishing distances of 5 to 6 feet, employing a zigzag pattern in its movements. This impressive jumping ability allows it to swiftly evade danger and find safety.

Unlike some other frogs, the northern leopard frog does not secrete toxins through its skin. Instead, its survival strategy relies on its coloration and leaping prowess. By blending into the surrounding vegetation and executing dynamic escapes, this frog manages to outwit potential threats.

During winter, the northern leopard frog exhibits another remarkable adaptation. It can slow down its heartbeat, enabling it to hibernate at the bottom of ponds. This survival mechanism helps the frog endure the harsh conditions of the colder months. As spring arrives and temperatures rise, the frog emerges from its hibernation as if time had never stood still. This cyclical pattern of dormancy and reawakening is a testament to the frog’s resilience and adaptability.

Ecological Importance and Unique Enzyme

In March through June, the northern leopard frog engages in mating activities. After breeding, it leaves the water and seeks refuge in grassy areas throughout the summer. Feeding primarily on small insects, this frog plays an important role in controlling insect populations. However, its diet is not limited to insects alone. Reports have documented instances where the northern leopard frog has consumed birds, garter snakes, and even bats, showcasing its opportunistic feeding behavior.

Perhaps one of the most intriguing aspects of the northern leopard frog is its potential in the field of medical research. Scientists have discovered that the frog produces an enzyme called amphinase in its oocyte, or egg cell. This unique enzyme has shown promising abilities in attacking cancer cells. Researchers believe that amphinase could become an alternative to invasive surgeries, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Extracting this enzyme from the frog’s eggs or producing it synthetically opens up exciting possibilities for the treatment of cancer.

Cultural and Symbolic Significance

The year 2019 marked a significant milestone when the northern leopard frog was designated as the state amphibian of both Minnesota and Vermont. This recognition highlights not only the frog’s ecological significance but also its cultural and symbolic importance to these states.


In conclusion, the northern leopard frog, a member of the Ranidae family, embodies resilience, adaptability, and potential. Its coloration, leaping ability, and ability to slow its heartbeat contribute to its survival in various habitats. Furthermore, this frog’s unique enzyme, amphinase, offers hope for improved cancer treatments. As we continue to study and appreciate the wonders of nature, let us recognize the remarkable qualities of the northern leopard frog and its potential to make a positive impact on both the natural world and human health.

Issued in 2019, the information provided in this article remains relevant indefinitely.


5 Booklets of 20 (100 Stamps), 15 Booklets of 20 (300 Stamps), 50 Booklets of 20 (1000 Stamps)

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