USPS Sharks Ecotourism Conservation Preservation Ecology Nature Forever First Class Postage Stamps


Sharks may be one of the most mythologized and misunderstood creatures on the planet. Popular culture has portrayed them as vicious, unthinking, and bloodthirsty monsters that are hell-bent on attacking humans. However, the truth about these ancient beings is far more complex.

Sharks may be one of the most mythologized and misunderstood creatures on the planet. Popular culture has portrayed them as vicious, unthinking, and bloodthirsty monsters that are hell-bent on attacking humans. However, the truth about these ancient beings is far more complex.

The first sharks appeared on Earth over 400 million years ago, long before the dinosaurs. Today, there are roughly 500 known species of sharks, each of which has adapted to its ecological role in unique ways. Sharks are apex predators, meaning they sit at the top of the food chain in their respective ecosystems. As such, they play a vital role in maintaining the balance of those ecosystems.

Despite their bad reputation, most sharks are not a threat to humans. In fact, humans are a greater threat to sharks than the other way around. Each year, millions of sharks are killed by humans for their fins, used in shark fin soup in parts of Asia, or simply because they are seen as a nuisance or danger to commercial fishermen.

To celebrate the importance of these magnificent creatures, the United States Postal Service has issued a set of Forever stamps featuring five different species of sharks: the mako, thresher, hammerhead, whale, and great white. Each stamp features a stunning illustration of the shark in question, along with its common name and scientific classification.

As with all Forever stamps, these shark stamps are always equal in value to the current First-Class Mail one-ounce price. So whether you’re a shark enthusiast or simply appreciate the beauty and importance of these creatures, these stamps are the perfect addition to your collection.

In conclusion, while it’s true that sharks are ancient and often misunderstood creatures, they play a crucial role in our planet’s delicate ecosystem. With this set of Forever stamps, we can celebrate and honor these magnificent animals while also raising awareness about the need to protect them from human activities that threaten their survival.


5 Sheets of 20 (100 Stamps), 15 Sheets of 20 (300 Stamps), 50 Sheets of 20 (1000 Stamps)

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